Saturday, July 21, 2012

Gethsemane (unfinished)

With heart so faint
My spirit, cries out to You
The endless longing
For, to ever love You,

This cup,
Father, me?

Can my timid spirit,
In simple obedience,
Find faithful constant perseverance?

How will my being live?
In giving up?
Yet, find new breath
In embracing all that is unknown.

Can my faint heart,
In silence, absorb and contain all pain,
Yet, never ceasing, to love ever deeper.

Father, in shivers I stand!
For I do not know, how, how, will I endure ?
Father, I plea, to lighten if You may…

But Father, Your will. I hear.
Though, understanding I lack,

This Cup, I make my own.