Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nightingale's Dance

I revisited an old poem written in early 2005.
Fine tuned the poem a little..and here it is !
The image below is a painting by my dear comrade Lesly Leon Lee .
More of his amazing .

Nightingale’s Dance ( version II )

A glowing heart…
On gentle feet..
Dancing endlessly
Purity beyond all worldly matter
From leaf to branch...
Sunset to sunrise..

The open horizons…
Strength and freedom eternal.
Heart no longer sealed..
Hands of compassion
Embraces in abundance

Fingers that heal and love
Words...of compassion and care
Visions of beauty…
Transcending all wisdom
Caresses ..eternally infinite.

Silvery moon rises..nights only hope
Constellations ...tell a story..
A million years never to forget.
Of an ancient day..never to return


Anonymous said...

Class act!! Always have and always will be.

You have a gift from God, and no one, let me say that again, NO ONE, can rob that away from you.


Nebula's Quill said...

Thank You :)

beingnothing said...

I know someone who can, God!

Nebula's Quill said...

beingnothing :


God is a giver...never taking back what he has given. Often, these gifts are left dormant and unused...the saddest being when the gifts are misused.

But thats the beauty of Him...He gives, and leaves the rest entirely up to us.

God bless you ever so.

beingnothing said...

whatever god giveth he can taketh! look at job and lot! and yeah lucifer! buruk siku punya god!

beingnothing said...

uuuuuu....i feel all tingly, is that god's blessing? he taketh thats why he sucketh!

Nebula's Quill said...

* Gives beingnothing a hug* :)