Thursday, August 16, 2007

A delightful dinner

Came across something whilst reading during dinner last night. It's engraved itself so deep into me that I simply had to share.

The writer ( Stormie Omaritan once again ) was relating a particularly difficult period of her life. During this period, instead of clinging onto God, she began to believe that God was not there for her. She sought out the old familiar comforts of ungodly relationships and alcohol. She became sidetracked and wasted much precious time.

But none of that would have happened if a strong effort to walk in the light (of God) was made everyday – no matter what was going on.

Here’s the excerpt that moved me the most:

“I have electricity in my home, but if I don’t plug into it, I don’t see the light. I have Jesus in my heart, but if I don’t plug into Him daily, I won’t be able to see His light either, even though it is there. I have to connect to Him. Talk to Him. Worship Him. Spend time with Him. Bask in His radiance like bathing in the sun. Become so familiar with His illumination of my soul that I immediately recognize any counterfeit”

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